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123 search results for Producer

AIPA - Collecting Society of Authors, Performers and Producers of Audiovisual Works of Slovenia was founded as a joint collective organisation for the management of authorship rights of authors, co-authors, performers, and film producers.
20 May 2021 08:39:42

| status = TOPROOFREAD NIFERTIK! | maintainer = Maja Škerbot }}

{{Infobox | name = Art Stays Cultural Association

| localname = Kud
31 May 2010 09:48:33

| status = WRITING INFOBOX TOPROOFREAD NIFERTIK! | maintainer = Tea Pristolič }}

{{Infobox | name = Piranesi Magazine

| local name
22 February 2010 02:10:17
IPF - Institute for Protection of Phonogram Performers and Producers Rights was established in 1997 as a non-for-profit collecting society for implementation of the rights of performers and producers of phonograms.
19 February 2021 00:37:08
The Association of Slovene Film Producers (FPS) is an independent, non-profit organisation founded in 2009 to represent film producers in Slovenia.
19 February 2021 00:47:16
IPF - Institute for Protection of Phonogram Performers and Producers Rights (logo).svg
IPF - Institute for Protection of Phonogram Performers and Producers Rights
24 August 2011 09:33:40
produced by Staragara, and Gravehopping, directed by Jan Cvitkovič and produced by Staragara, at the Thessaloniki
producer, festival organiser.

| from = 1 June 2022 | to = 30 June 2022

| website =
== Summary ==



|description = Dance performance The Lost Songs
Produced by P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Institute, the Sound Explicit Festival is an annually held series of performances
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