Jana Zemljarič Miklavčič Scholarship Trust

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Center za slovenščino kot drugi/tuji jezik
Kongresni trg 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 241 1270

In 2011, the Centre for Slovene as a Second/Foreign Language established the Jana Zemljarič Miklavčič Scholarship Trust. Its grants go to individuals who are either professionally or non-professionally engaged in Slovene culture or in another way contribute to the promotion of Slovenia in the world but are not of Slovene background (which is a requirement of the other available scholarships). Jana Zemljarič Miklavčič (1966–2010) was the initiator and head of the courses of Slovene as a second/foreign language. During her tenure, Slovene courses were organised at first within the Summer School of Slovene Language then later grew into a broad-based programme that included not only an expansion of the range of courses but also the entire infrastructure for their implementation (systematic teacher training, textbook preparation, etc.). The scholarship fund is dedicated to the memory of her and her work.

See also

External links